• Embroys are graded and selected for ET and cryopreservation
  • Embryo selected for ET pooled in a cleavage medium
  • patient is placed in Lithotomy position,using speculum the cervix is exposed and washed with normal saline
  • Meanwhile ET catheter is prepare in the lab.ET catheter has two parts-an outer and inner catheter
  • a syringe is attached to inner cather tightly
  • hand over the outer catheter to the clinician
  • when OT is ready for the ET take out the transfer dish from incubator
  • the catheter is now loaded with the embryos alone with 20ul of medium
  • carefuly carry the catheter through to the ET room and perform transfer
  • when the embryos have been transferred return to the microscope and flush the catheter to ensure the embryos have not remained behind.

Embryo Transfer (ET) Catheter :